Day Release

For my first outing from the base since I got there, I made the trip to the nearest town and what a town this is. It is amazing. Sue’s diner is an ideal place to compose a longer blog entry and she even has free WiFi for me to upload. Also a winner is her salad. It’s nice and crisp with the vinegar dressing light and tangy, then, well, after that I spoiled myself with a slice of pecan pie. I’m more than halfway tempted to do a review for TripAdvisor.

Why the longer blog?

Seems to me this might be an ideal place to record my eclectic experiences, well some of them, in my two areas of expertise. Not only that, Trikki Watson my unofficial biographer and story teller can use it as ‘seed’ material for his books. I quite liked the last two and thinking that, it reminds me when I think of Rick and his gear, the saddle shop here has some interesting leather goods I’m going to invest in.

Anyway, on arrival I had just enough time after parking my sad little SUV to make a booking at the salon, right before police chief Loz cited me for vehicle defects. That was annoying, then he let me off so long as I got them fixed and that was a pleasure. Considering what was wrong with my SUV, I thought that a rather enlightened attitude which is much appreciated.

Note to self; never speed, go through a stop sign or get creative with law and order round here. This place is wired.

All in all the repairs to my SUV turned out well, I got it all done for a good price at Ron’s Autos and without the ‘ticket, saved some real money as well. My SUV was purchased for a good price and I can see why now, it is not in the best of mechanical condition. I’m thinking I’ve never disciplined a used car salesman, at least not that I know of, but I’m writing that occupation down for very strict treatment. I mean, there must be guilt lurking down in their psyche somewhere, the kind of guilt that only some serious corporal and maybe an extended introduction to Mr Peg will alleviate. They’ll feel better for it.

Anyway, sure, I can afford to buy a new SUV with all the options but why? I drive it once a week at most now, and it’s left out in the sun and the snow so that would be a waste and neglect of a fine SUV. Instead I’m toying with the idea of getting it mechanically sound, maybe even a little performance work done which will be cheaper and give me the same pleasure from my limited driving. Note to self; might be fun to have a hotted up SUV.

Everywhere I went in the town, population 5,200, people knew me or knew of me. What is it with this place? Starting with the chief of police, then the mechanic then the hair stylist, then at the diner I didn’t even need to say who I was (and I got called ‘honey’ – if my slaves only knew). There is no escape in this town, the internet has got nothing on these people for spreading information.

The real concern is that my ‘special role’ doesn’t get to be general knowledge. The D.I. (drill instructor) and the men I work out with on morning P.T. must have spread my name here. I have been uncommonly naughty in the morning workouts, twerking extra hard in my best skimpy and tight outfits. D.I. Triffit almost broke a smile on the first morning, but that would be asking too much.

I did a quick lookup of my website. Seems there is a direct correlation between an application of the cane and I.T. achievements as slave William will attest. Normally we work in sets of six for a ‘six of the best’ then repeat it a few times, but William being in I.T. we worked in groups of four bits. Four bits you ask? Well, that’s one nybble, half a byte and can have 16 combinations. So, I gave him sets of sixteen of the best. A few times. From looking at my website, I’d believe he did a lot of work standing up very soon after our little ‘heart to heart’ about my website.

You’re shitting me,’ was my unaccustomed salty comment when William told me about what’s happened to BitCoin. I don’t like swearing but that slipped out from surprise. He said it had climbed to twenty thousand a coin. I looked at him and said, ‘slave, I promise you that jokes about money do not impress Mistress,‘ but he swore it was true. I caned him anyway of course, but when I looked it up later I said it again, ‘you’re shitting me,’ again and quite loudly so it seems I’m a multimillionaire now. Wow. When do I sell? Should I sell? Should I hedge to maybe cash in a small number to convert to secure real cash? I saw a post saying it might hit $100k a ‘coin. You have to be kidding me on that one, no way, then again I was getting BitCoin at a few bucks a shot six years ago and I was even over-paying at the time. I’ve just got to make sure I’ve still got the password to my little stash and check on that broker. Having some hacker steal the lot would be so annoying.

With those thoughts, time to move on. I’ll get Ron at Ron’s autos to run up a plan to spruce up my little SUV.

Do play happily and play safe – ‘MT

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